Mental Health Matters

Did you know that one in five children experience a mental disorder in a given year?

This campaign is about promoting mental health and wellness in young children. Whether you are a parent, therapist, or teacher, we are all working towards the same goal – for our children to lead successful, happy lives. In fact, of all the things I want to teach my own children, resilience is my number one priority. With this end goal in mind, we believe that early emotional and social experiences set the foundation for all other developmental domains. Through this campaign, we promote parents and educators to integrate social-emotional learning in everyday context. We encourage you to remain sensitive to your child’s feelings, be attentive to their needs, and nurture them to thrive.  

Let’s provide opportunities for children to experience challenges, regulate emotions, and express feelings freely. In other words, let’s empower our children to become confident, capable, and resilient.

Your presence matters. Your feelings matter. Mental Health Matters.


Meet Kim:

"Social-Emotional Learning has forever changed me as an educator, but most of all, as a mother and wife. It’s changed the way I parent my kiddo, and the way I encourage my husband to help TEACH our child social and emotional skills.

 So often as parents we tend to slip back and EXPECT our children to just “know what to do.” When they’re upset, we sometimes expect them to come up with the tools and strategies they need in order to cope on their own. When they’re nervous or filled with worry, we don’t know what to say to make it better. And when they’re filled with energy and excitement, we run out of ways to tell our kids to calm down and be in control.

But what if I told you that you didn’t have to TELL THEM WHAT TO DO? What if I told you that sitting down, having conversations with your child about their feelings, and coming up with strategies that will work for your child will change you and your child forever?! Teaching them these skills is empowering. Teaching these skills is important. And teaching these skills will stay with your child when they’re out on their own and not so little anymore."  - Kim Gameroz, M.Ed



Meet Christina:


Meet Karen:

“Mental health is often a topic many do not speak about. I grew up so unaware of these emotions and what I was feeling only to realize a few years ago that what I am feeling is valid. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and development to understand each other and show compassion and empathy. When children feel safe and supported and can reflect on themselves, growth happens. Let’s teach the younger generation of ours, our children, our future children, our younger siblings, our nieces and nephews, our students, that SEL skills are empowering.” - Karen Dang

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